When using SYNAXUS TraceMiner questions and problems around the application design can be answered quickly, easily and effectively by proven methods.
Experienced arcplan developers usually prefer a central architecture, which is based on three logical layers or function levels (fig. 1). The highest layer forms thereby the user interface. It consists of all visible reports resp. arcplan documents. The middle layer contains local central documents, which are intended for the packaging of data and functions of individual ranges of application. Global central documents finally form the lowest function level, whereby data and functions, which are used in the global context are outsourced. The TraceMiner offers in this connection a categorization function whereby documents can be assigned to the appropriate application layer. This can be managed by the given categories. Alternatively own categories can be created completely individually and so the documents and with their accompanying respective objects can be visualised in the TraceMap.
In order to guarantee good legibility of the arcplan report design for all involved developers, it is indispensable to lay down global programming standards. Beside functional and architecture-referred standards, it is just as important to specify a dedicated colour semantics which gives the developer information on how the document is set up, without considering the formula level of individual objects. In addition the usual objects in arcplan receive corresponding formatting characteristics in accordance with a fixed colour scheme (fig. 2). Here it becomes clear which of the four possible contents types (database, formula, input or image) an object is to be assigned to.
In this connection the filled out colour of an object stands for its primary and the framework colour for its secondary affiliation of type of contents. On the basis of a matrix all meaningful combinations can be seen (fig. 3). To a large extent these specifications are sufficient, to achieve more transparency with the report design. Therefore this methodology is cross module manifested in the TraceMiner and the colouring of the objects according to type of contents can through individual adjustable colour-semantic profiles be project-specifically steered.