Advantages in a nutshell
Increase your performance and the quality of your arcplan system landscape with the SYNAXUS TraceMiner and therefore reach higher satisfaction as well as more acceptance with the users.
SYNAXUS TraceMiner helps to save valuable time with the analysis and documentation of your arcplan Enterprise applications. Our software supplies a semi-automated documentation function and it also supports you optimally with the trouble shooting. This enables you to improve the quality and the availability of your systems and at the same time it helps to lower development as well as operating costs significantly and sustainably.
- overview of complex and extensive projects
- time and cost saving with the production of documentations
- transparency of complex formula connections through a dedicated visualisation via TraceMaps
- facilitated error analysis
- fast analysis of arcplan Enterprise applications
- increase the quality and availability of your systems
- decrease the development and operating cost
- Holistic support of well sophisticated methodology Standards
SYNAXUS TraceMiner contains a set of carefully sophisticated functions, which make it possible to find and document object-specific references, coordinated with the arcplan development, to analyse and document. TraceMiner offers three programme modules, which consist of the project management, the TraceMap and the search function. Access to fast and accurate analysis is guaranteed by the clear project management and interactive reference charts.
Furthermore SYNAXUS TraceMiner enables you to drilldown to the formula level of individual objects. A further feature exists in the high performance search function, which permits the user with logical AND-/OR-operations to scan a project according to alphanumeric terms, object contents types and database objects.
- easy and structured analysis of arcplan Enterprise applications
- clear display of the document and object references in dedicated trace diagrams (TraceMaps and TraceFlows)
- drilldown to the formula level
- emphasis of reference-relevant formula syntax
- combined search over logical AND-/OR-links
- creating and storing of individual images and text contents for documentation
- supports various methodological approaches and standard e.g. programming and architecture
- display of the trace diagrams in accordance with individual colour profiles
- arbitrary categorization of the arcplan documents
- semi-automated documentation platform
- exports as a single PDF resp. editing Word document possible
- provided as HTML files for other team members
- Embedded mode for the arcplan application designer
- Depiction of all detail information
- Open API enables to extent the TraceMiner by individual Reports