TRACEMINER Changelog - 08.06.2022

Issues fixed:

  • added Longview 22 compatibility
  • several major and minor fixes, which improves the stability and performance of the application - 01.04.2022

Issues fixed:

  • several major and minor fixes, which improves the stability and performance of the application
  • crash fixes after showing exception messages - 29.06.2021

Features added:

  • added Longview 21 compatibility
  • added context menu entry for searching for object or documents directly from the project tabs filelist
  • updated database structure items

Issues fixed:

  • fixed wrong texts in options menu
  • fixed import dialog problem on newly added systems caused by the partial import function
  • several small and major fixes, which improves the stability and performance of the application - 15.03.2021

Features added:

  • added new handling system for html binarys inside the hub
  • added deletion of older system revisions
  • added 'refresh from APA file' context menu entry for instant updating changes without re-import
  • added SubVersion (SVN) folder handling

Issues fixed:

  • fixed APA external folder problems with escaping chars like "&", which collided with XML directives
  • fixed and reworked deployment mananger window (logical things)
  • fixed multi instancing of tooltips at documation tab
  • fixed missing import dialog on new systems after making a partial import on a different project system
  • fixed/removed refreshing after system folder selection, which caused a redo of all project properties
  • fixed several reverter related major and minor bugs
  • fixed missing external folders path extention on APDs with containing picture information
  • fixed missing entry for excluding files in database
  • several small and major fixes, which improves the stability and performace of the application - 13.01.2020

Features added:

  • global integration of hub database updating
  • second step, in order to note the user, that he has to commit previously his files from documentation, before he commits to Subversion
  • New Longview icons in apd list

Issues fixed:

  • Documation: fixed a crash on working with multiple structure items
  • Documation: major fix for transperency problem on imagelists
  • fixed window priority problems
  • fixed minor problems on database update checker in deployment management
  • minor fix and correction of comparison-logic concerning to the colors
  • minor licencing handling changes
  • several small and major fixes, which improves the stability and performace of the application - 25.11.2019

Features added:

  • Addition of the deployment management and the possibility to transfer TraceMiner project systems.
  • Integration of SQLite and use of the open SQLite database.
  • The options window has been redesigned.
  • Enhancement of the Documation text editor with HTML support.
  • Ability to perform HTML export.
  • Dynamic view setting of the document list and the diagram.
  • The user interface has been improved and modernized.
  • Performance optimizations to improve performance throughout the application.
  • Performance on the project document list has been optimized.

Issues fixed:

  • Fixed exception on missing attached files at structure-items.
  • The error with the external parameters has been fixed.
  • The problem with file duplicates within a project has been fixed.
  • A major bug with password-protected apd/xml import has been fixed.
  • The problem with the width of the TraceFlow columns in the export has been solved.

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